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Metabolic Health Assessment

The Metabolic Health Assessment is a comprehensive test exploring key aspects of metabolism, including methylation, detoxification, mitochondrial function, and oxidative stress. Gaining insights into your metabolic profile can help guide personalised wellness strategies for optimising overall health.

Metabolic Health Assessment
Looking For
  • Personalised insights into your metabolic profile and guidance on essential nutrients
  • Information on nutrient roles, common deficiency risks, and food sources
  • Markers related to absorption issues, microbiome health, and energy metabolism
  • Clues about neurotransmitter balance
  • Indicators associated with kidney health, oxidative stress, and metabolic health
  • Analysis of amino acids and intermediary metabolites
  • Overview of biochemical functions reliant on B vitamins
  • Information related to protein metabolism and dietary intake

Helps With
  • Gaining deeper understanding of fatigue-related concerns
  • Supporting mitochondrial health
  • Managing stress resilience
  • Addressing inflammatory responses
  • Supporting mood health
  • Evaluating detoxification pathways

Your Wellness,
Delivered Anywhere

This is a programme designed to bring personalised health to you, wherever you are. We connect with you virtually to assess your needs and deliver exactly what your health requires. From advanced diagnostics and progress tracking to supplying tailored tools like supplements and therapies, we've got you covered. Together, we'll create the 2.0 version of you- elevated, optimised, and thriving.
Whether you're at home or abroad, HUM2N keeps you connected to cutting-edge health insights and personalised care.
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HUM2N Protocols

PRecision wellness tailored to you

Our HUM2N Protocols combine advanced diagnostics, bespoke therapies, and expert guidance to deliver a personalised plan that transforms your health and helps you achieve your 2.0 self.