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longevity PROTOCOL

Support your healthy aging journey and enhance well-being.

Over 3 hours, our Longevity Protocol is designed to support DNA repair, mitochondrial function, and reduce inflammation. This protocol promotes cellular health for long-term vitality and overall wellness, leaving you feeling refreshed and energised.

Price £550 / Worth £995

Embrace a healthier future.

Book your complimentary consultation with one of our HUM2N Experts today!

Step 1
Longevity IV – Support Cellular Metabolism

This infusion of NAD+, B complex vitamins, and glutathione supports cellular metabolism and repair, aiding mitochondrial function, blood vessel health, and energy production for wellness support.

Step 2
Reoxy IHHT – Enhance Cardiovascular Health

Utilise intermittent hypoxic hyperoxic training to promote cardiovascular wellness and support endurance. This therapy may aid heart and lung function and blood vessel health.

Step 3
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy – Support Cellular Health

Conclude with hyperbaric oxygen therapy, which aids cellular health, provides antioxidant support, and may promote neurogenesis for enhanced vitality and well-being.