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Unlock the Power of Deep Skin Transformation

Vivace™ RF Microneedling

Welcome to the forefront of skincare innovation! Experience a deep skin treatment like no other with VIVACE™ RF Microneedling. This revolutionary non-fractional combination of radio-frequency and micro-needling is designed to safely and effectively stimulate collagen production and renew your skin at a cellular level. But it doesn't stop there - our comprehensive treatment also includes a bespoke mask and LED light therapy to target scarring, fine lines, deep lines, and texture in areas such as the eyes, neck, décolletage, hands, and even stretch marks. It's time to defy the limits of what's possible and redefine your skin's future.

Vivace™ RF Microneedling

  • Stimulates Collagen
  • Targets Scarring
  • Fights Fine Lines
  • Smooths Texture:
  • Embrace a future where your skin is renewed, refreshed, and radiant.
  • Holistic Healing: Mind, body, soul.
  • Transformative Resolution: Uncovering and resolving issues.
  • Revolutionary Transformation: Improved texture, tone, collagen.
  • Pioneering Non-Surgical: Minimal downtime, remarkable results.
  • Bold Confidence Boost: Youthful, radiant, blemish-free skin.
  • Downtime: 12 hours
  • Personalised Recovery: Tailored plans for individual needs.
  • Empowering Self-Care: Nurturing well-being, promoting healing.
  • Collaborative Support: Comprehensive recovery partnership.
  • Empathetic Nurturing: Comfort, transformative experience.
  • Futuristic Rejuvenation: Revolutionizing skin health approach.

Pack Of 6
Pack Of 10



Dr. Enayat


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Dr. Nirusa

Medical Director, GP, Certified Lifestyle Medicine Physician & Functional Medicine Doctor

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Aneequa Godart

Functional Nutritional Therapist, Academy & Professional Community Lead

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Valentina Orneli

Senior Nutritional Therapist, mBANT,  mCNHC, specialist in hormonal imbalances, cardiovascular health and metabolic conditions.

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Deborah M

MSc. mBANT CNHCRegistered Holistic Nutritionist (MSc Hons). Special interest in men’s health, cardiovascular health, jet lag and sports

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Natasha Evans

Specialist Fertility Nutritional Therapist BA (Hons) DipION mBANT rCNHC

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