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Clinic Therapies

Biohacking Lab

Treatments tailored to support and improve your biology, head to toe. From improving lung capacity to strengthening your bones, our body clinic has all of the services you need to get you to overcome ill health or achieve peak performance.

Biohacking Lab




Experience the anti-aging rejuvenating power of the world’s coldest full body cryotherapy chamber in London. Experiencing cold has been a well known revitalising treatment for centuries, with many nordic cultures dipping in near freezing water to ward off the aches and pains of everyday life. Since have now found that cryotherapy helps boost metabolism, increase collagen production, rejuvenate the skin, lift mood and decrease the signs of ageing.

Hyperbaric O2 Chamber

Hyperbaric O2 Chamber

A session in our state of the art HBOT chamber is the best longevity experiences, it is one of the first four person hard shell chambers in the UK, with Dr E involved in the design. It’s a treatment that helps with low level aches and pains, helps you fight infections, stimulates regeneration from each cell out and promote overall collagen production on a cellular level. It helps improve your energy levels, manage stress, improves deep sleep and improves your physical training regime. The No 1 Longevity therapy clinically proven to slow biological aging.



Heal aches and pains and prevent osteoporosis without the risk of injuries from high impact exercise or weight lifting. Our signature osteogenic loading protocol allows you to reap the benefits of improved skeletal strength and functional fitness using scientifically validated, cutting edge technolgu to building bone and muscle mass.



Reverse a decade of decline in 3 weeks! VO2Max decreases 5-10% a decade after 40. Our signature Intermittent Hypoxic Hyperoxic Treatment treatment has a plethora of clinical proven benefits. From blood pressure and cardiovascular health to cardiorespiratory fitness. Improve your endurance with effects lasting 6-9 months.