Digestive Enzymes and Digester
Digestive enzymes are producedand secreted by the gastrointestinal system to degrade fats, proteins, andcarbohydrates, to accomplish the digestion and, afterwards, the absorption ofnutrients. Their supplementation, when indicated, may provide a reliable helpas an adjuvant treatment of several disorders characterized by an impairment ofdigestive functions (1). To date, various formulations of enzymesupplementation are available on the market, and they are currently used inclinical practice for the management of several digestive diseases, especiallythose involving organs designated to the production of digestive enzymes,including pancreas (which produces pancreatic enzymes) and the small intestinalbrush border (which produces lactase).
Several clinical trials showed animprovement in quality of life and of sleep, and a decreased severity of pain,following the supplementation with multi-enzyme blend, in people suffering fromdyspepsia and other digestive issues. These blends also are usually very well-toleratedand do not give side effects.
Another relevant application ofenzyme supplementation in the clinical practice is the management of lactoseintolerance. It is estimated that 75% of individuals worldwide experiencehypolactasia, or some decrease of lactase activity, especially during adulthood(2).
Also, conjugated bile acids, evenif are not classifiable as enzymes, are able to promote absorption of dietarylipids by emulsifying them in micelles.
Digester is comprised of aproprietary blend of digestive enzymes (amylase, lipase, protease and lactase) alongwith betaine hydrochloride (HCl) to support the optimal digestion of proteins,fats, and carbohydrates.
Betaine hydrochloride is anacidic form of betaine, a vitamin-like substance. It is recommended by healthpractitioners as a supplemental source of hydrochloric acid for people who have adeficiency of stomach acid production (hypochlorhydria) (3).
Digester contains also thespecial protease dipeptidyl peptidase IV (IVDPP), which aids in the breakdownof the peptides gluteomorphin (from gluten) and casomorphin (from casein).
This product also includes oxbile which can be helpful for supporting your liver detoxification process and allowing you to absorb fats andfat-soluble vitamins (A,D, E and K).
The use of Digester before mealsmay be helpful for patients who experience gas and bloating after eating, haveirregular bowel movements, and/or dyspepsia.
We recommend to take 1 capsuleper day before the main meals.
It is included in the Hum2n “GutHealing Protocol” to optimise the digestive health.
1 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4923703/
2 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11906576/
3. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7238915/