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3 Pillars of Detoxification by Dr Mark Menolascino

3 Pillars of Detoxification by Dr Mark Menolascino

3 Pillars of Detoxification

Dr Mark Menolascino, MD, MS, ABIHM, ABAARM, IFMCP Board Certified Internal Medicine,  Board Certified Holistic Medicine, Board Certified Anti-Aging Medicine

Spring is the perfect time to hit the reset button to cleanse your body of built-up toxins. A detox can leave you feeling energised, refreshed, and ready to take on the warmer months ahead. Giving your body a break from inflammatory foods and toxins can provide benefits such as improved digestion, clearer skin, better focus, and even weight loss.

To experience a full-body reset and maximise the rejuvenating effects of a cleanse, it’s crucial to follow a program that supports your body’s innate detoxification pathways: Phase I and Phase II (learn more about the phases below). When I participate in a full-body cleanse, I follow the “3 Pillars of Detoxification” that support each phase, providing me with the most beneficial results.

3 Pillars of Detoxification

Pillar 1: Toxic Toss

Eliminating sugar, caffeine, gluten (mainly bread), alcohol, and dairy during a cleanse reduces the toxic load your body processes by removing the following roadblocks to efficient toxin elimination:

  • Sugar feeds harmful gut bacteria
  • Caffeine irritates the liver and gallbladder involved in detoxification
  • Gluten damages gut lining, allowing toxins to enter circulation
  • Alcohol depletes glutathione and impairs enzyme function
  • Dairy contributes to inflammation and mucus production, impeding optimal detox

Pillar 2: Your Cleansing Fuel

Cruciferous veggies, citrus fruits, green tea, and high-quality protein all provide nutrients that activate, induce, and protect detoxification enzymes in both Phase I and II pathways:

  • Cruciferous veggies boost detox enzymes
  • Citrus replenishes depleted glutathione and vitamin C levels
  • Green tea’s antioxidants aid liver function
  • Adequate protein ensures amino acid availability for glutathione production


  • Staying hydrated by drinking 0.5-1 oz of water per pound of body weight daily creates the optimal fluid medium for toxin transport and excretion via urine
  • Exercise accelerates blood circulation to shuttle toxins more efficiently to the liver and kidneys for elimination
  • Proper sleep recharges your brain and body for robust detoxification

Pillar 3: Detox Turbo Boosters

Targeted supplement regimens can provide concentrated doses of certain botanicals, nutrients, and compounds that supercharge detox pathways. If looking for an effective detox-boosting supplement, look for formulas containing:

  • Milk Thistle to protect the liver and boost glutathione levels
  • Green Tea extract to concentrate beneficial catechins
  • N-acetylcysteine for increasing intracellular glutathione production
  • Methylated B Vitamins to optimise methylation in detox pathways
  • Amino Acids like glycine and glutamine as glutathione/enzyme precursors
  • Turmeric’s Curcumin compounds for antioxidant liver support

A high-quality, comprehensive cleanse supplement expertly combines these synergistic ingredients to fully support and turbocharge both Phase I and Phase II detox for maximum toxin elimination.

Here is the science behind it:

Phase I of your body’s detoxification process takes place primarily in the liver cells, where enzymes work to make toxins more water-soluble so they can be easily excreted. During this phase, enzymes from the cytochrome P450 family use oxygen and metabolise toxins, converting them into new metabolites called reactive intermediates. These reactive intermediates are actually more toxic than the original toxin compounds.

That’s why Phase I must be properly supported and balanced with Phase II detoxification to ensure these reactive intermediates are promptly neutralised. Certain nutrients are required to activate and fuel the Phase I detox enzymes. Here are some of the best foods to include:

  • Cruciferous Vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts) – enhance activity of detox enzymes
  • Citrus Fruits – Vitamin C boosts production of liver detox enzymes
  • Green Tea – Antioxidants like EGCG induce and stimulate Phase I enzymes
  • Alliums (garlic, onions) – Organosulfur compounds activate liver enzymes
  • Spices (turmeric, rosemary) – Antioxidants aid Phase I detoxification
  • High-quality proteins – Provide amino acids needed for Phase I enzymes
  • Getting adequate amounts of B-vitamins, magnesium, zinc, and iron is also crucial for optimal activity of the Phase I detox pathways. Supplying your body with these Phase I-supporting nutrients helps prepare toxins for Phase II metabolism.

After Phase I enzymes metabolise toxins into reactive intermediates, Phase II kicks in to neutralise and prepare these reactive molecules for excretion from the body. This phase takes place primarily in the cytosol of liver cells and relies on several enzyme systems to facilitate key reactions:

  • Glutathione conjugation – Glutathione, your body’s master antioxidant, binds to reactive intermediates, making them inert. Depleted glutathione levels impair this process.
  • Sulfation – Sulfur molecule donors like amino acids inactivate toxins to facilitate excretion via bile or urine.
  • Methylation – Methyl groups from nutrients like B12, folate, and betaine are added to toxins to allow elimination.
  • Glucuronidation – Glucuronic acid from glucose metabolism binds to fat-soluble toxins, increasing their water solubility.

By the end of Phase II, reactive intermediates are transformed into water-soluble metabolites that can easily be excreted through bile or urine. Getting adequate nutrients and supplying certain foods maximises Phase II detoxifying capacity:

  • Brassica Vegetables (broccoli, cabbage, kale, cauliflower, bok choy, brussels sprouts) – Isothiocyanates boost glutathione levels  
  • Garlic – Allium compounds increase glutathione and glucuronidation
  • Citrus Fruits – Vitamin C, bioflavonoids recycle and conserve glutathione
  • High Fiber Foods (berries, beans, oats) – Fiber binds to toxins for excretion
  • Eggs – Provide sulphur for sulfation pathways
  • Grass-fed Meats – Rich in glycine to produce glutathione
  • Proper hydration is also key, as water transports Phase II metabolites through kidneys and bile for elimination. Supporting both phases is vital for an effective cleanse.

As we transition into the vibrant energy of spring, it’s essential to support our body’s detoxification process to fully reap its revitalising benefits. By embracing the three pillars of detoxification—reducing our exposure to toxins, fueling our bodies with cleansing nutrients, and enhancing detox with targeted supplements—we equip ourselves to eliminate toxins effectively and efficiently. This harmonious approach ensures that both Phase I and Phase II detox pathways are fully supported, paving the way for improved vitality, clearer skin, and overall well-being. By adhering to these guiding principles, you’re not just detoxifying; you’re setting the foundation for a healthier, more vibrant you.